

During our research, we came across 32 industry players that are presently engaged in the development of digital solutions for biomarkers. Most of the developers (44%) engaged within this domain were established during the period 2010-2013. Specifically, nine new companies have been established in the last five years (since 2016). Majority of the companies engaged in the development / deployment of digital solutions for biomarkers are small firms (38%), followed by very small (XX%) and mid-sized players (XX%). It is worth noting that two big pharma players, namely Janssen Pharmaceuticals and Roche, are also engaged in the development of such solutions.

Most of the developers engaged in this domain (~70%) are headquartered in North America. Within this region, majority of the developers are based in the US (20). This is followed by Europe, wherein XX% of the total developers are located. In this region, majority of the players engaged in the development of digital solutions for biomarkers are located in Switzerland (XX) and UK (XX). Further, most of the developers of digital solutions for biomarkers (XX%) operate as per the B2B business model (wherein a company distributes its products to through doctors, healthcare professionals, payers and insurance providers), followed by those following the B2C (XX%) business model (wherein a company distributes its products to consumers directly). It is worth mentioning that around XX% of the companies engaged within this domain have adopted a hybrid model, which is a combination of the B2B and B2C approaches, to target a wider patient segment.

During our research, we were able to identify 46 digital solutions for biomarkers; of which, over 50% are available for use. It is worth highlighting that majority (over 45%) of these modern solutions have been / are being developed as combination offering of software application and device. This is followed by standalone software applications (XX%) and combination offering of software application and AI Support (XX%). 

Most of the digital solutions have been / are being developed to capture physiological biomarkers (32%), followed by those intended for vocal biomarkers (XX%), and idiosyncratic biomarkers (XX%). It is worth mentioning that majority (over 20%) of the digital solutions for biomarkers are being / have been developed for patients with neurological disorders. In addition, we were able to identify more than 15% solutions that target infectious disorders, of which XX% are being explicitly used to target the COVID-19 disease. Further, mental health related problems and respiratory disorders are other prominent therapeutic areas being targeted by the developers of digital solutions for biomarkers.

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